How To Potty Train a Dog

One of the things that people may find it difficult to do when adopting a dog is potty training. In theory, potty training a dog is not hard as it might seem. It just requires you to be consistent and committed to potty train your dog. But in fact, many people still have difficulties in potty train their dog. If the training is not done properly, there will be some problems for your dog.

Do not worry though, if you follow these guidelines and be positive, potty training can be an easy process. The guidelines include having positive attitudes, keeping a consistent schedule, teaching your dog the basics, limiting your dog’s area, and never punishing your dog for accidents.

1. Have positive attitudes
Having a positive attitude remains as an important thing to have when training a dog or having a dog in general. In potty training, some dogs will learn quickly, while some others will have a difficult time with it for a while. During the training period, remember to always be calm, be patient, and remain consistent. You will be rewarded for your positive attitude.

2. Keep a consistent schedule
It is recommended for you to set up a schedule for your dog. In accordance with that, we must determine the time for training, feeding, bathroom time, and sleeping for our dog. It is common for a dog to want to go outside after it has done sleeping, eating, and playing. You need to watch your dog carefully while your dog is outside.

3. Teach your dog the basics
When you bring a dog to your home, Introduce your new dog to its new environment, family and their role. A dog will be excited to see a new environment, or maybe fear, or curious.

it is very important to teach your dog the basics because dogs do not think like us, human do. Sometimes they do not understand a simple command we give. For that reason, you must understand how to communicate with them. Teach your dog to understand your command. Remember, be consistent with it.

4. Limit your dog’s area
It will be easier for you to keep a close watch on your dog if you limit the dog to a certain area of your home. The area should be large enough for your dog to play, but not too large so that you can observe what they are doing.
If your dog needs to go outside, walk them outside and be sure to keep the area for your dog clean.

5. Never punish your puppy for accidents
Do not punish your dog when it does something wrong. it does not know if what it does is wrong. They possibly will not remember and could become scared of you.

The five ways above if you apply with patience, then you will easily in How To Potty Train a Dog. Congratulations to practice, practice makes perfect.

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